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construction business 111Completed projects           service manCurrent projects


Our Customers:

- military-industrial complex enterprises:

1. «Shipyard «Zaliv» Ltd., Kerch

Production, supply and installation of ASE ККж-0,5

2. PC «Omsktransmash», Omsk

Production and supply of heat exchanger КК3283.000

3. PC «Shipyard «Severnaya verf», St. Petersburg

Production and delivery of oil cooler УН 10.79 СБА

- non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy

1.  PC «SUAL» branch «VgAZ-SUAL»

Production and delivery of spare parts to НСГ

2.  PC «Chelyabinsk Plant of Metal»

Repair of ASE К-0,15, production and delivery of fractionator.

3. «Plant of Metal» Ltd., Krasnyi Sulin

Production and delivery of ASE К-0,15

4.  JSC «Staks», Krasnyi Sulin

Production and delivery of ASE КА-0,2, К-0,5, К-0,15

5. «Mechel-vtormet» Ltd.

Repair of gasifier ГХК-8/1,6

- chemical industry

1. «Stavrolen» Ltd., Budenovsk

Production and delivery of heat exchanger-liquefier КК 3297.000

2.  IAA «Ufaorgsintez»

Production and delivery of pump 22НСГ-63/20А, turbines ДТ-0,6/4

Production and delivery of heat exchanger КК 3352.000

3.  JSC «Chemical fertilizers», Perm

Production and delivery of safety valve АПК 81-15/10

4. «РТИ Factory», Rostov-On-Don

Major overhaul of ASE К-0,4 (2 units)

- engineering companies:

1. «RPRZ» Ltd., Rostov-On-Don

Repair and maintenance of gasifiers ГХК-3/1,6 and ГХК-8/1,6

2. «KLAAS» Ltd., Krasnodar

Modernization of hazardous production facilities (additional source of supply of nitrogen in the metal shop).

3. PC «NEVZ» Ltd.

Major overhaul of ASE К-0,4 (2 units)

Design and installation of ASE ККж-0,5

4. PC «KrEVRZ», Krasnoyarsk

Production and delivery of ASE К-0,15

- mining industry:

1.  PC «Michailovskyi GOK»

Production and delivery of spare parts for compressors 4вм10-120/9

- medical institutions:

1. «Farmstrong» Ltd.

Production, delivery and installation of gasifier ГХК-8/1,6