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Nowadays people use cooled or liquid gases in many areas of industry. The vast majority of gas derived from air and used in industry is in a liquid state at a temperature below 120 Kelvin, 153 degrees Celsius. For the production, transportation and storage of liquid gas cryogenic equipment is used. Its manufacturing, installation and commissioning requires experienced professionals and high-class equipment.
«Cryogenic equipment factory» many years included in the group of leaders in the production and installation of cryogenic and compressor equipment. Our products can be found in many plants, both in Russia and in the CIS countries.
The factory specializes in the manufacture, installation and commissioning of gasification, air separation equipment and compressor equipment of various kinds.
Gasifiers, gasifying units and cryogenic tanks are compound a substantial part of our company's products, but, before transferring the gas into a liquid state, it must be picked out from air. Here should be used the air separating equipment. The factory suggests air separating equipment of cryogenic type. Using the innovative technology, we achieve the maximum purity of gases.
Compressor equipmentis an important part of equipment, produced by our factory. Compressed air is not just main raw material for production of liquid gas for industrial use, such as argon, oxygen, nitrogen and so, but also a unique energy source. Compressed air operates equipment in explosive and fire-prone industries.
The production of cryogenic equipment requires responsible and thoughtful approach, so we select the best specialists in this field. Designers, installers and adjusters are working on our factory.
Specialists of our company are able to choose, to produce and install the equipment for the production of the required amount of gas, based on local conditions and needs of the customer. Depending on the required volume and type of product to the customer, it may require a stationary installation for the production of large volumes of liquid gas, but often it turns out that it would be enough of using mobile gas cylinders or portable gasifier.
Also we are engaged in design, repair and modernization of engineering systems.
Regardless of order quantity the production of cryogenic equipment is constantly monitored at all stages and with the participation of qualified experts.
All equipment requires maintenance and care. This fully applies to the cryogenic equipment. Our company has a large stock of spare parts and accessories. If the required detail is not available, it will be delivered in the shortest time and at the best price.